Equal Temperament

Equal temperament - the system in use today - divides the octave into 12 equal semitones. It has been proposed since the sixteenth century:

However, it was not until the nineteenth century that it began to be used, albeit reluctantly by some:

(from Musique et témperaments, Pierre-Yves Asselin)

The equal temperament semitone

How do we calculate the size of the semitone that divides an octave into twelve equal parts? If we were able to divide the third into two equal tones using the square root, then we can divide the octave into 12 equal parts by calculating the twelve root of 2 (octave):

We can use this number to calculate the frequency of each semitone, as the following table shows:

C 262
C# 277.6 262 x 1.0594630943593
D 294.1 277.6 x 1.0594630943593
D# 311.6 294.1 x 1.0594630943593
E 330.1 311.6 x 1.0594630943593
F 349.7 330.1 x 1.0594630943593
F# 370.5 349.7 x 1.0594630943593
G 392.6 370.5 x 1.0594630943593
G# 415.9 392.6 x 1.0594630943593
A 440.6 415.9 x 1.0594630943593
A# 466.8 440.6 x 1.0594630943593
B 494.6 466.8 x 1.0594630943593
C 524 494.6 x 1.0594630943593

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