Random Key and Chromatic Note Ear Training

This exercise plays a chromatic note for aural identification using a random major or minor key.


  • Key: select a major or minor keys. Minor keys use the notes of the minor natural, harmonic or melodic scale.
  • Limit key signatures to 4 accidentals: select this to limit key signatures to 4 accidentals.
  • Clef: select the clef to use.
  • Answer using: You can answer using a one-octave visual keyboard, a two-octave keyboard, or the note name. Even if you use the 2-octave keyboard, the answer will be considered correct regardless of the octave.
  • Stop after: choose to stop after a number of minutes or exercises.
  • Click OK to start the exercise or press Enter/Return.


The exercise begins by playing a short chord progression to establish the key. Then the chromatic note is played.

Identify the note by clicking on the note buttons or the visual keyboard.

If your answer is correct, the note will have a green checkmark over it. If your answer is wrong, the correct note (not the one you typed) will have a red X over it.


Answering with the computer keyboard


Answering with a MIDI keyboard




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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
José Rodríguez Alvira.