Two Voices & Harmonic Progressions

In this exercise, you will be asked to aurally identify harmonic progressions using Roman numerals (I, IV, V6, etc.) and to notate the soprano and bass voices on a grand staff.



The exercise

After listening to the progression, you must notate the soprano and bass parts and analyze each chord. You can complete each task in any order. Once all the notes and analysis are entered, click the Check Answer button.

Writing the soprano and bass parts

You can enter notes using the Note Palette, your computer keyboard, or a MIDI keyboard:

Using the Note Palette or keyboard
Editing notes

Editing affects the last note written, unless you select one or more notes.

  • Use the buttons on the Note palette or the keyboard to edit it.
  • Click the up and down arrows or type + or - to change the octave.
  • Press DELETE to delete the selected note(s).

To select one or more notes:

  • Select a note with the mouse or the left and right arrow keys.
  • You can select more than one note. Select the first note, and then click the last note while holding down the SHIFT key.
  • You can select a group of notes with the keyboard by selecting the first note and pressing SHIFT and the left or right arrow.
  • Press ESC or click outside the staff lines to clear the selection.
The analysis
  • Click the Analyze chords button (below the grand staff). The chord buttons will appear.
  • Each button represents a chord in the progression. To identify each chord, click on the corresponding button and use the Function palette to answer (see the next section). Once correctly identified, the question marks will be replaced with the analysis and chord symbol.
The Function palette

The Function Palette allows us to write analysis symbols. The following images illustrate its use:


Roman numerals and chords symbols guide


MIDI Compatibily




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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
José Rodríguez Alvira.